Our Quality Approach

The satisfaction of customers’ needs is a primary goal for our company, achieved by implementing the principles and methods of operational excellence throughout the life cycle of every project.

A strong focus on the customer, motivation and implication of top management, a process-based approach and on-going improvement are the essential elements of our commitment to quality.

At SECO, we are convinced that quality is primarily a matter of attitude; in fact, it is mostly about having the right attitude and constantly striving to achieve stakeholders’ satisfaction.

This is achieved through on-going improvement of all processes and activities, striving to achieve mutual benefits with all stakeholders, including vendors and subcontractors, with a view to enhancing the ability of both to create value and meet customers’ expectations.

Our Quality Management System

In all aspects of our work, we operate on the basis of internationally recognised standards, which are implemented in the company through a series of policies, procedures and appropriate best practices embedded in our management systems, including our Quality Management System and Quality Policy.

All these systems and policies are subject to audits, which provide SECO management with assurance that effective and efficient processes are in place to ensure that activities aimed at on-going improvement are implemented to satisfy stakeholders’ needs.

SECO's Quality Policy

The management and staff of Southern Engineering Co. Ltd (SECO) strive to provide our customers in both the marine and non-marine industries with quality products and services. These include shipbuilding, ship repair, and marine engineering services.

The company envisions itself as a leading marine infrastructure and engineering organization in East Africa that meets international standards. To this effect, the management of SECO places great emphasis on every process throughout its entire range of activities, has established and adheres to quality objectives both at functional and organizational levels. The objectives have been communicated to staff at relevant functional levels. These are updated as appropriate.

SECO has demonstrated its commitment to quality by implementing a Quality Management System complying with the ISO 9001:2015 Standard, as well as with other statutory and regulatory requirements.

We shall achieve this commitment by continual improvement of the Quality Management System at all levels as has been outlined in our Quality Manual and established quality documentation. This commitment involves every member of staff whom we motivate through appropriate training.

This quality policy has been communicated within the company through the notice boards, understood and implemented as well as to interested parties through the company's website www.secoafrica.com.

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We Build Value

As one of the East Africa's largest engineering, procurement, fabrication, construction and maintenance companies, SECO offers integrated engineering solutions that bring our Clients greater capital efficiency with improved cost and schedule certainty.​​​​​​

Health, Safety and Environment

We are committed to an incident-free workplace, every day, everywhere. We continually strive to minimise the impact of our activities on the environment.

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