Construction of 2 Million Litre Water Tank & Reticulation System

SECO successfully undertook the engineering, procurement, supply, construction and commissioning of an above ground water storage tank with a capacity of 2 million liters in Loyangalani District, Marsabit West County, in north-eastern Kenya for the Lake Turkana Wind Power Project.

The water distribution infrastructure also laid out by SECO, supplies water to the housing units, workshops & facilities used by the various personnel involved in the day to day running of the wind power farm.

The local community surrounding the LTWP village have also benefit from the uninterrupted supply of potable fresh water which has really helped reduce the incidences of water borne diseases in the area.

  • CLIENT Lake Turkana Wind Power (LTWP)
  • YEAR 2015
  • WE DID Construction of 2 Million Litre Water Tank & Reticulation System